Virtual Date with Betsy
Review :
Betsy is a free to play virtual dating and sex game from VDateGames.
VDateGames have produced some really good games over the years including Jennifer, The Photographer, Rachel etc and for me, Betsy may just be their best one yet.
Betsy, your attractive, buy shy and reserved girlfriend dreams of gaining a role in a play by her favourite director. But her aspirations are flagging since the role involves getting her tits out in a scene. The storyline involves you trying to help her be more confident, win the role in the play, and get the girl and maybe her friends as well.
Get the points score right and you will see Betsy become a daring young woman who not only wants you but is prepared to get more than a little bit risque in the process.
The game gives you the option to personalise your experience by using your own name as the lead character and to select gender and skin tone. Doesn’t make a huge difference, but helps to get you into the first person experience that the game maker is looking to achieve.
The game works by awarding points to Betsy’s confidence based on your responses and actions throughout the game. There is a score displayed at the bottom.
The storyline isn’t completely linear in that there are several side branches along the way, which largely involves your interaction with the other 2 main female characters (Violet and April). Also, for VDateGame tragics, Rachel makes an appearance as Betsy’s sister in this game. I must admit I was hoping there was a storyline branch around Betsy’s Mum Cass as well, but alas no, maybe next time…
Visually the artwork and animation is good, without being brilliant and supports the story and eventual endings quite well. Sex scene-wise there is enough to make it worth getting to the end, and the sex session with all 3 girls is well worth achieving. Probably the highlight for me was the lead up to, and the initial sex scene with Betsy.
Verdict :
I think you will have lots of fun playing Betsy the dating game.
Play Now : Betsy from VDateGames
Walkthrough :
There is a walkthrough on the VDateGames web site. You probably don’t need it for sex with Betsy, but to get the end scene with all the girls you probably will.